
First of all i want to introduce my self in this first page. My Name is Risma Nurisa Rahmandhani. You can call me Risma. I live in Jakarta. I’m 16 years old. I have a brother he’s name is Sadewa Putra Rahmanda. He is 12 years old.

I’m interested with music, i always listening music like 24/7 and i also like to dancing when i was in junior high school i was joined dance extracurricular. I learned how to play guitar and it’s so hard but i still practice it untill i can. My favorite singer is Anne Marie. I like her songs and her voice it’s really good for me like she’s the best singer that i’ve ever known. I love her personality. And i also like the other groups like Boy Pablo and Phum Viphurit.

My dream is become a psychologist. I want to study in Padjajaran’s University. I like help each other when their feels like they’re alone. Btw i don’t like a cat. When i see a cat it feels like i’m in dangerous. i don’t feel scares when i see a snake,mouse, etc but when i see a cat it’s like my body can move. Btw my favorite food is Sate Padang. My favorite drink is Chatime (Matcha Latte). 


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